Egg freezing for fertility preservation has become more popular over the last few years. As the technology has improved egg freezing success rates have increased over time. As knowledge about this fertility preservation option is spreading, women are increasingly considering freezing eggs for pregnancy at a later date.
Eggs and ageing :
- People sometimes think fertility treatments, and particularly in vitro fertilization, can overcome the decline in fertility caused by advancing female age. However, this is only partially true. Egg quality and quantity both start declining slowly in most women in the early 30s and the decline is more rapid after about 37-38 years of age. It becomes much more difficult to establish a viable pregnancy after age 40, and by 45 years of age few women are able to conceive and maintain a viable pregnancy. This is true even with aggressive in vitro fertilization treatments.
- The increased rate of chromosomal abnormalities in eggs of advanced age is the main cause of this decline in the egg quality. Egg freezing can potentially prevent this from happening as we can then preserve her fertility by using those frozen eggs years later when the quality of the remaining eggs in her ovaries is significantly diminished.
- Legal agreements : All possible legal documents are meticulously scrutinized by our legal advisers
- We believe that the quality of frozen eggs does not decline significantly over time. The earlier a woman freezes her eggs, the better the quality will be when those eggs are eventually thawed and used.
- Egg freezing requires you to undergo
Ovarian stimulation: Taking injectable medications for about 10 days and having some blood tests and ultrasound to monitor development of the eggs. An egg retrieval procedure is then done to harvest all the eggs retrieved. These eggs are then frozen the same day and stored in liquid nitrogen tanks. - Egg preservation can also be done in certain other conditions like cancers in females.
Sperm banking and cryopreservation :
Semen cryopreservation (commonly called sperm banking) is a procedure to preserve sperm cells. Semen can be used successfully indefinitely after cryopreservation. For human sperm, the longest reported successful storage is 21 years. The method of sperm cryopreservation consists of freezing the ejaculate to a temperature of minus 196°C and placing the samples in storage tanks containing liquid nitrogen (LIN)
Sperm cryopreservation is a very appropriate method for future use of sperms & for individuals who wish to store their semen in a sperm bank.
- For men, who for serious reasons cannot be present at their partner’s oocyte retrieval or have difficulty in providing a spot sample due to personal reasons, In these circumstances, we can freeze a semen sample at any time prior to scheduled collection.
- For men with planned oncological treatment sperms can be frozen before starting the treatment.
- In cases of surgical sperm extraction from testes or epididymis, the acquired material is frozen in order to limit any potential repetition of this invasive procedure.